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Roulette Probability betting test

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Roulette flat and progressive betting test related to sequential probability. By Kanzen Jacob Kanzen

Casino roulette table layout with betting chips.
A two-way test.

If you think you can gain an advantage by way of sequential or conditional probability (ex. after eight successive Blacks you bet Red because Red is more likely to come), try this two-way Roulette betting test on the 'even money' bets. First wagering flat bets and then, in another test, wagering progressive bets, as explained below.

You don't need to risk money. On your next visit to the Casino write a list of outcomes of say 100 or 200 spins of actual play at a Roulette table and try it out at home. Or, play free Roulette online.

Flat betting

First, bet against the outcome, that is, if Black comes up bet Red, if Red comes up bet Black. Bet every spin. Do the same with ODD/EVEN and HIGH/LOW, simultaneously.

Then, using the same list of outcomes, do the opposite. Bet with the outcome, that is, if Black comes up bet Black. Keep betting Black until Red comes up then bet Red until Black comes up and so on. Bet every spin. Do the same with ODD/EVEN and HIGH/LOW, simultaneously.

Compare the two results. You should find the results to show little difference in profit and loss between the two methods. If you try the same test on different lists of outcomes, you should find that the profit fluctuates: sometimes betting against the outcome is profitable and sometimes it is profitable when betting with the outcome.

Progressive betting

Roulette even money progressive betting.

Now, try the same test as explained above but this time each time you lose you double your bet, up to five times, starting with a single-chip bet, that is; 1 then 2 then 4 then 8 and then 16 chips. If you lose on your fifth attempt with 16 chips, you start with a single-chip bet again. Each time you win, you start with a single-chip bet.

Compare the results. You should get similar results in profit and loss to the flat betting test above.

No advantage

The above two tests will show that at Roulette the outcome of a spin is never determined by prior spins and a sequential probability advantage cannot be generated. This is what many gamblers find hard to believe. Most Roulette players believe that after, say, eight successive blacks, a red is more likely to come up. This misconception is widespread among Roulette players and is known as the gambler's fallacy. See Probability analysis

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