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Brief extracts of international acknowledgements from visitors praising this roulette website.
"Thank you for a very interesting read, I have been playing roulette for 5 years and you have taught me things I didn't even know." W. B. - South Africa
"I thought your website is excellent, certainly the most informative of all the websites I have covered. Congratulations." A. B. - UK
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"The truth about gambling on roulette and how very well you explain it. You have a very nice web site. If a future endeavor leads you to Las Vegas look me up." G. B. - USA
"Can't believe I'm actually buying this, but you sold me with your rational, low-key approach. You're about the only person who's talking sense about roulette." Anon
"I was very impressed by your knowledge of the statistics of the game, which I have also studied for a long while. The most interesting fact you bring out is that even without a casino edge (37 to 1) and no 0-00, you would still be up or down by a lot more than the 5.26% vig." D. M. - USA
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Two major factors determine how much you win or lose playing roulette. By managing and controlling these two factors, you can generate an advantage that in the long term can make you a winner and keep you ahead of the casino at all times. Find out what these two factors are and what makes a winning system, in the main strategy page titled Winning at Roulette.
Winning at Roulette
Interesting facts, tips and a system.
Kanzen's roulette strategies info site
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